
Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.5.1

June 22, 2021

Submitted by Hussein SHAFIE, XMLmind Software.

Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.5.1


  • Made the automatic upgrade of user-installed add-ons after a new version of XXE is installed simpler, more reliable and more systematic.

    XXE will now keep “nagging the user” each time the application is started until all obsolete add-ons are upgraded or uninstalled (either automatically or “by hand”, using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box).

    However these new simplicity and reliability come at a price: using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box, it is no longer possible to install, uninstall or upgrade any of the bundled add-ons found inside the XXE installation directory (XXE_install_dir/addon/). (It's still possible to do this “manually” though.)

    More information in: The "Install Add-ons" dialog box.

  • Converting a DocBook v4, V5 or v5.1 document to HTML, Web Help and Eclipse Help now preserves the SVG graphics found in this document. Previous versions of XXE automatically converted the SVG graphics to PNG. No such change for the HTML Help, Java Help and EPUB output formats despite the fact that these formats are based on HTML too.
  • Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.4.
  • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.8.2.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.2.0.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.4.4.
  • "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 1.2.
  • XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 16 platforms.

Bug fixes:

  • Commands insertCharByName, insertCharSequence, insertControlChar, showMatchingChar and the Characters tool did not honor Overwrite Mode (OVR). They always worked as if Insert Mode (INS) was turned on.

Possible incompatibilities:

  • Search tool: the "Smart text boundaries" option is now turned off by default, as it is rarely needed and also because it may cause the Search tool to fail in finding some strings for certain document types.
  • Command xpathSearch is now bound to keyboard shortcut Esc X (type Escape then type Shift-X). Previously it was bound to Esc s (type Escape then type S). Command search is now bound to keyboard shortcut Esc s. These two commands are mainly useful when recording macros.


  • Using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box, it is no longer possible to install, uninstall or upgrade any of the bundled add-ons found inside the XXE installation directory (XXE_install_dir/addon/) .
  • Suppressed the now useless, "Install add-ons in the user's preferences directory", "Install add-ons in XXE installation directory" and "Installation directory depends on the add-on" options from the "Preferences" dialog box, "Install add-ons" section. Optional add-ons are now always installed in the user's preferences directory (XXE_user_preferences_dir/addon/).

What is XMLmind XML Editor?

Home page: http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/

Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations. Download: http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml

News items may be commercial in nature and are published as received.