
Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.11

February 16, 2024

Submitted by Hussein Shafie, XMLmind Software.

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.11


  • When generating any kind of output containing “semantic” XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.1, the xml:lang attribute is automatically added to elements having a lang attribute. Note that is does not happen when generating “semantic” XHTML 5.0 output. However this feature may be controlled using new boolean transform.add-xml-lang parameter. Excerpts from XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition), C.7. The lang and xml:lang Attributes

    Use both the lang and xml:lang attributes when specifying the language of an element. The value of the xml:lang attribute takes precedence.

    Excerpts from XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML - Second Edition, 3. The XHTML 1.1 Document Type

    This specification also adds the lang attribute to the I18N attribute collection as defined in [XHTMLMOD]. The lang attribute is defined in [HTML4]. When this attribute and the xml:lang attribute are specified on the same element, the xml:lang attribute takes precedence. When both lang and xml:lang are specified on the same element, they SHOULD have the same value.

    Excerpts from HTML Living Standard, The lang and xml:lang attributes

    The lang attribute in the XML namespace may be used on HTML elements in XML documents, as well as elements in other namespaces if the relevant specifications allow it (in particular, MathML and SVG allow lang attributes in the XML namespace to be specified on their elements). If both the lang attribute in no namespace and the lang attribute in the XML namespace are specified on the same element, they must have exactly the same value when compared in an ASCII case-insensitive manner.

    Authors must not use the lang attribute in the XML namespace on HTML elements in HTML documents. To ease migration to and from XML, authors may specify an attribute in no namespace with no prefix and with the literal localname "xml:lang" on HTML elements in HTML documents, but such attributes must only be specified if a lang attribute in no namespace is also specified, and both attributes must have the same value when compared in an ASCII case-insensitive manner.

  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.5.1.
  • Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.2.3.
  • "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.3. (On Linux, the FlatLaf light theme is used as the default Look & Feel of desktop application w2x-app.)
  • XMLmind Word To XML is now officially supported
    • on Java™ 21 platforms,
    • on macOS Sonoma (version 14) running on Intel® or Apple® Silicon processors.

Bug fixes:

  • Parameter transform.docbook-version was not honored when generating a DocBook 5.1+ assembly: the assembly element had no version attribute and all the generated topic elements had a version attribute set to fixed value "5.1".
  • When generating a DocBook 5.1+ assembly, the assembly /structure element now contains a merge child element rather than an info child element. This change was made after reading the clarifications found in DocBook 5.2: The Definitive Guide.
  • In some cases, text boxes were not processed by w2x.

More information in https://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/changes.html.

What is XMLmind Word To XML?

XMLmind Word To XML can automatically convert DOCX files to:

  • Clean, styled, valid HTML (single page or multi-page HTML, Web Help, EPUB) looking very much like the source DOCX file.
  • Unstyled, but structured and valid, DITA bookmap, map, topic, DocBook (including V5.1+ assembly), XHTML (single page or multi-page HTML, Web Help, EPUB) or XML conforming to your custom schema.

Home Page: https://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/

Download: https://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/download.shtml

Free online DOCX conversion services: https://www.xmlmind.com/w2x/online_w2x.html


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