
DOM for Web Services, Part 3

January 6, 2004

Faheem Khan

In the first article of this series I discussed the XML authoring and processing requirements in web services, explained the DOM architecture along with the features in the three DOM levels, and introduced MSXML and Xerces, two popular DOM implementations.

In the second article I showed readers how to use MSXML, especially how to process WSDL files and develop web service user interfaces on the client side using MSXML inside JavaScript code. I also showed the use of MSXML on the server via an ASP.NET page.

In this third and final article of this series I demonstrate the use of Xerces, which is the most popular Java-based implementation of DOM. In this article's first section I develop a couple of Java classes that can create and process SOAP messages. This will demonstrate the basic DOM features of Xerces. In the second section I demonstrate the use of some other important features, including:

  • Working with multiple XML documents in which you need to import XML nodes from one document into another.
  • The use of Xerces to generate DOM events, and writing your own event handlers to handle the events generated.
  • The use of DOM range and DOM document fragments. The DOM range specification provides an easy to use method for grouped processing of several XML nodes.

The third section contains a discussion of the Load and Save module, an important feature in DOM level 3 which is not yet supported in Xerces.

The last section wraps up this series by explaining the scenarios in which you will most likely use DOM for XML authoring and processing requirements in your web service applications.

W3C DOM and Xerces

Xerces is part of the Apache XML project. It is available for Java and C++. In this article I only cover Xerces for Java, which is commonly called Xerces-J. The most recent version of Xerces-J available at the time of writing is 2.6.

Note that W3C DOM is not the only XML API that Xerces supports. Xerces also supports SAX and a proprietary interface called Xerces Native Interface (XNI). Complete documentation about Xerces is available from the Xerces site. I will discuss only the W3C DOM features of Xerces.

Also note that the Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) from Sun includes standard XML processing Java APIs, including the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP). The current reference implementation of JAXP uses Xerces as its default XML processing engine. If you download JWSDP from Sun's site, you will get Xerces, and you won't need to download it separately.

However if you are using JDK1.4, you have a small problem to take care of before starting to use Xerces. JDK1.4 ships with an older version of Xerces. Even if you include Xerces jars in your classpath, the Java runtime will use the older version of Xerces and not the one that comes with JWSDP. The instructions for solving this problem come with the JWSDP installation. When you install JWSDP under Windows (the latest release for now is version 1.3), you will see instructions for JDK1.4 users saying "Create the directory: <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\endorsed and then copy the files in the following directory to the newly created directory: C:\jwsdp-1.3\jaxp\lib\endorsed".

The files in the C:\jwsdp-1.3\jaxp\lib\endorsed directory of JWSDP include a Xerces-J jar file named xercesImpl.jar. When you create the new <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\endorsed directory and copy the files from the C:\jwsdp-1.3\jaxp\lib\endorsed directory to the newly created location, you are telling the Java runtime to use the new version of Xerces instead of the old Xerces implementation that comes as part of JDK1.4.

However, if you don't want to download and install JWSDP, you can download Xerces and copy the xercesImpl.jar file into the <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\endorsed directory.

Once you have the xercesImpl.jar file at its correct place, you will not need to include anything in your classpath to compile and run the samples of this article. The source code download contains source and compiled form of all the samples that we are going to use for demonstration in this article.

Xerces for SOAP authoring

Look at Listing 3 of the first article of this series, which was a SOAP message that we used to describe the usage model of web services. Notice that the SOAP message contains elements belonging to two XML namespaces. The first is the SOAP namespace and the second is an application specific namespace (

The use of these namespaces demonstrate that XML and SOAP specifications allow building layered applications, where the application-specific layer works on top of the SOAP layer. The SOAP specification defines the Envelope, Header, and Body elements and allows applications to define their own namespaces to fill in the header and the body of a SOAP envelope.

This layered architecture is a great strength of XML web services. It allows vendors to develop off-the-shelf standard solutions (e.g. a SOAP client or a SOAP server) and application developers to add only the application-specific bit of the layered framework. For example, if you consider the SOAP message of Listing 3 of the first article, you will see that the only application specific elements are GetCityWeatherReport and CityName. The rest of the markup is standard SOAP.

We are going to use the same idea of layering application bits. We will have two classes in our sample DOM-based SOAP engine:

  1. DataWrapper (Listing 1)
  2. SOAPMessage (Listing 2)

The DataWrapper class creates the application-specific data that go along with the SOAP method call (e.g. the CityName element in Listing 3 of the first article). The SOAPMessage class creates the SOAP Envelope along with the SOAP Body. As a SOAP request usually contains the name of a web service method, so the same SOAPMessage class will also author the method element (usually the immediate child of the SOAP Body).

But how do these classes use DOM to create XML?

Look at the add() method in Listing 1, which takes three parameters. The first parameter is the name of the data element (e.g. CityName in Listing 3 of the first article). The second parameter specifies the namespace to which the data element belongs. The third parameter specifies the contents of the data element (e.g. "Karachi" in Listing 3 of the first article). The add() method simply stores these parameters in a list. An application can call this method any number of times. Every time an application calls this method, a new set of data will be added to the items already stored in the list.

The appendAsChildren() method in Listing 1 takes just one parameter named parentElement, which is a DOM element. The appendAsChildren() method takes all the entries in the list one by one and adds them as child nodes to the parentElement.

Notice from Listing 1 that the appendAsChildren() method first calls the getOwnerDocument() method of the parentElement object. The getOwnerDocument() method belongs to the DOM Node interface. It returns the Document object to which a DOM node belongs. We need to know the owner document whenever we want to add a child element to an existing element.

After getting the owner Document object, the appendAsChildren() method performs the following operations for every entry in the list:

  1. Create a new element using the createElementNS() method of the owner Document object. The createElementNS() method takes two parameters. The first parameter is the namespace URI string for the element that you want to create. The second parameter is the name of the element. The createElementNS() method returns the newly created Element object, which represents the name of a parameter that goes along with a SOAP method invocation request (e.g. CityName in Listing 3 of the first article).
  2. Append the newly created DOM Element as a child to parentElement by calling the appendChild() method of parentElement.
  3. Create a new text node by calling the createTextNode() method of the owner document object and append the text node as a child to the newly created Element node. This text node represents the value of the parameter that goes with a SOAP message call (e.g. "Karachi" in Listing 3 of the first article).

Just for the sake of demonstration, we have written a simple main() method in Listing 1. The main() method demonstrates how an application will use the functionality of the add() and appendAsChildren() methods.

Now have a look at the SOAPMessage constructor in Listing 2. It takes three parameters: methodName, methodNamespace, and parameters. The methodName parameter represents the name of the SOAP method that the SOAP message will invoke on a remote server (e.g. GetCityWeatherReport in Listing 3 of the first article). The methodNamespace parameter represents the namespace to which the methodName element belongs (e.g. "" in Listing 3 of the first article). The parameters parameter is a DataWrapper object which wraps all the data that goes with the SOAP method invocation request.

The SOAPMessage constructor creates a SOAP message. So you first have to create a new empty XML document. Creating a new XML DOM document in Xerces takes three steps. You first instantiate a DocumentBuidlerFactory, then you create a DocumentBuilder, and then using the newDocument() method of the DocumentBuilder, you create a DOM Document object. You will use the newDocument() method whenever you want to create a new empty XML DOM document containing no data. The Document object that the newDocument() returns exposes the DOM Document interface.

Once you have the DOM document, you can author the root Envelope element by using the createElementNS() method discussed earlier.

After creating the Envelope element, you need to attach the element to its parent. As Envelope is the root element, so the Document object is its parent. Therefore, you will call the appendChild() method of the Document object to attach the Envelope element to the document.

Note that an XML document can have only one root element. That's why you can attach only one element node to a Document object. If you try to attach more than one element node, you will get an exception at runtime.

In a similar manner we have created the Body element (the bodyElement object), attached it to the Envelope element, created the SOAP method name element (the methodElement object), and attached it to the Body element.

Finally we have to author the elements that represent parameters associated with the SOAP method invocation request. This is the job of the appendAsChildren() method of the DataWrapper class that we have already explained. You will call the appendAsChildren() method of the parameters object and pass the methodElement object along with the method call. This will automatically append the parameters data to the SOAP method call.

Also look at the getSOAPRequestText() method in Listing 2, which was written to demonstrate XML processing in Xerces. It takes a Document object and returns its XML data in string form. It uses a method called getElementAsText(), which is recursive and is responsible for creating the XML data corresponding to the root element and all its children.

The following points are worth noting from the getElementAsText() method in Listing 2:

  1. We have used the getTagName() method of the Element object to read the tag name of the element. The tag name consists of both the prefix and the local name (i.e. if the prefix is "env" and the local name is "Envelope", the tag name will be "env:Envelope").
  2. We have used the getAttributes() method of the Element object to read all the attributes of an element into a NamedNodeMap object. A NamedNodeMap object is used to hold a number of nodes, where each node is accessible by name or index number. We have used getLength() and item() methods of the NamedNodeMap interface to fetch all attribute nodes . The getLength() method returns the total number of nodes in a NamedNodeMap and the items() method returns the node at a particular index.
  3. We have used the getNamespaceURI() method to get the namespace URI of each element. Recall from earlier discussion that the createElementNS() method creates an element with a namespace URI and a tag name. The getNamespaceURI() method returns the same URI.
  4. We have used the getPrefix() method to fetch the namespace prefix of all elements.
  5. The Node.getNodeType() method tells the type of a node (e.g. whether a node is a text node or an element node). We have used this method to differentiate text nodes from element nodes.

The main() method in Listing 2 simulates a simple SOAP application. We have instantiated a DataWrapper class and called its add() method once to add one parameter. We have then instantiated a SOAPMessage object and passed the DataWrapper object to the SOAPMessage constructor. Listing 3 shows the resulting SOAP message.

Some Important DOM Features

This section demonstrates some important DOM features of Xerces that are not covered in the sample SOAP application of the previous section.

Copying DOM Nodes from one document into another

Have a look at Listing 4, which is a simple Java class named The main() method of this class demonstrates how to copy DOM nodes from one document into another.

Notice from Listing 4 that we have used the parse() method of the DocumentBuilder object to load an XML file into the DOM Document object named sourceDoc. The name of the file that the parse() method will parse is "inputXML.xml". We have shown the "inputXML.xml" file in Listing 5, which contains several invoice elements.

Recall that when we were creating the SOAP message document in Listing 2, we used the newDocument() method of the DocumentBuilder class to create an empty DOM document with no XML data. You will use the parse() method (instead of the newDocument() method) when you want to create a DOM document from an existing XML file or an input data stream containing XML data. The parse() method parses the input XML data, loads the data into a DOM Document object, and returns the Document object.

After loading the XML file into the sourceDoc object, we have called the getElementsByTagName() method of the Document object and passed "invoice" as a parameter. The getElementsByTagName() method belongs to the DOM Document interface. It takes the name of an element as a parameter and returns a NodeList object, which contains a list of all elements in the DOM document that have names matching the input parameter to the getElementsByTagName() method call.

NodeList is a DOM interface, which exposes the abstract functionality of a list of nodes. It contains just two methods, getLength() and item(int index). The getLength() method returns the number of nodes in the NodeList and the item(int index) method returns the node at a particular index.

Some readers may want to compare the NodeList interface with the NamedNodeMap interface discussed earlier. The main difference is that you cannot access individual nodes in a NodeList by names of nodes, while you can do this in a NamedNodeMap.

After getting the NodeList object in Listing 4, we have created a new empty DOM document object named targetDoc. We have then created an invoiceWrapper element, which serves as the root element of the newly created targetDoc object.

Next we have taken each element in the NodeList and passed it to the importNode() method of the targetDoc object. The importNode() method imports a node from one document into another document. It takes two parameters. The first parameter is a node which you want to import from some other DOM document. The second parameter is of boolean type. If the second parameter is true, the importNode() method will import the node along with all its child nodes (i.e. the complete tree of nodes whose root starts at the node being imported). If the second parameter is false, the importNode() method only imports the node without any of its children.

After importing the invoice elements from sourceDoc to targetDoc, we have appended the imported elements as children of the invoiceWrapper element. Listing 6 shows how targetDoc looks like after importing all the invoice nodes of the sourceDoc (the inputXML.xml file of Listing 5).

Working with DOM events

The DOM level 2 contains a separate specification for events, which can be very helpful in developing XML processing applications. This section demonstrates how to generate and handle DOM events in a Xerces application.

If you want to use DOM events in your Xerces applications, you need to follow the DOM events architecture. The important components of the DOM events architecture are three interfaces named EventTarget, EventListener, and Event.

If a particular DOM implementation supports DOM events, all its nodes will implement the EventTarget interface. Thus, you can cast any object that implements the Node interface (or any interface that extends the Node interface, such as the Document interface) as an EventTarget object.

If a DOM implementation does not support DOM events and you try to cast its nodes as EventTarget objects, your application will throw exceptions as runtime. So you need a mechanism to verify that the DOM implementation you are using supports DOM events before trying to cast a node as an EventTarget object.

DOM Level 2 has an interface called DOMImplementation, whose hasFeature() method can help you check whether a particular DOM implementation supports a particular DOM feature. You can call the getDOMImplementation() method of the DocumentBuilder object to get a DOMImplementation object. You can then call the hasFeature() method of the DOMImplementation object to check whether it supports a particular DOM feature.

The hasFeature() method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the name of the feature that you want to verify. The DOM Level 2 Core specification defines the names of different DOM features. The name of the events feature is "Events". The second parameter defines a version number of the feature. For all DOM Level 2 features, you will pass "2.0" as the second parameter.

Have a look at Listing 7, where we have tested the Events feature by calling the DOMImplementation.hasFeature("Events","2.0") method, which returns true (meaning Xerces supports the DOM Level 2 Events feature).

There are various types of events in DOM Level 2, e.g. mutation events, user interface events, mouse events, etc. The current Xerces implementation only supports mutation events. Mutation events are generated whenever a node gets mutated. For example, a mutation event can be generated whenever the value of an attribute in a DOM tree is changed.

Now let's see how you will use mutation events in Xerces. Have a look at Listing 7 and observe the following sequence:

  1. After verifying the support of Events feature, we have created a new Document object and added one element node to the newly created document. We have then cast the Document object as an EventTarget object. As we have used the Document node as an event target, any node in the document can generate an event for this target.
  2. Next we have called the addEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface, which adds a listener to the event target (the Document object). The addEventListener() method takes three parameters. The first parameter specifies the type of event you want to generate. There can be several types of mutation events. For example, the DOMAttrModified event occurs whenever a DOM attribute value gets modified. (For a complete list of the possible types of DOM Level 2 mutation events, consult section 1.6.4 of the DOM Level 2 events specification.) The second parameter specifies an event handler object, and the third parameter specifies whether the user wants to initiate capture of an event. We don't want to use this feature, so we have passed "false" as the third parameter.
  3. Finally, we have to write an event handler class (whose instance we passed as the second parameter to the addEventListerner() method). In order to write an event handler, you have to implement the DOM's EventListener interface, which contains just one method named handleEvent(). The handleEvent() method of the event handler object will receive control whenever a mutation event occurs on the Document object that you registered as an event target.

Notice from Listing 7 that we have written an inner class named MyEventListener, which implements the handleEvent() method. The handleEvent() method takes just one parameter, which is an object that implements the Event interface. The Event object carries information about the event that occurred and which needs to be handled.

The handleEvent() method will normally call the Event.getType() method to know the type of event that occurred. You can check the type of mutation event that occurred and then take an appropriate event handling action according to the event type that occurred.

Notice that in the main() method of Listing 7, we have added two new attributes to the DOM Document object after registering the event listener. Therefore, if you run the class of Listing 7, the handleEvent() method of the MyEventListener class will receive control twice (once for each attribute added).

The concept of events is especially useful when you have a comprehensive XML application in which there are several DOM Documents with many nodes and each node has a possibility of being edited at several places in your business logic. In such cases, you can use the DOM events architecture. You will only have to write the event handling logic without worrying about calling the event handlers yourself. The DOM events framework will take care of calling the event handlers for you at appropriate time.

A range of DOM nodes and DOM document fragments

The concept of having a DOM range allows you to select a number of DOM nodes into a single range of nodes and then process the full range of nodes together in one go. For example, you can select a number of DOM nodes of a DOM document into a range and then import the range into another DOM document. This will import the whole range of nodes into the new document. Let's see how.

Have a look at Listing 8, which first checks whether the DOM implementation being used supports the "Range" feature and then casts a Document object as a DocumentRange object. This process is similar to what we did earlier while trying to use the "Events" feature.

The DocumentRange interface exposes the createRange() method that you can use to create a new Range object. The Range interface exposes methods that you need to use the DOM range feature.

A Range object represents a range of DOM nodes, which starts at a starting point and ends at an ending point. You can move the starting and ending points to position your range over the set of nodes of your choice. In order to move the two points, you will need to use the different methods of the Range interface.

When a range is initially created, both its starting and ending points are positioned at the beginning of the document with which the range is associated. Notice from Listing 8 that after creating a new range, we have created six elements i.e. a wrapper (the root element) and its five children named e1, e2, e3, e4, and e5.

Next we have called the setEndBefore() method of the Range object, passing the e5 element as a parameter along with the method call. This sets the end of the range before the e5 element, which means now the range ends at the e4 element. We have also called the setStartAfter() method of the Range object and passed the e1 element as a parameter. This sets the start of the range just after the e1 element, which means the range now starts at the e2 element. Our range now covers the e2, e3, and e4 elements.

We can now process the nodes in our range together in one go. For example, we have called the cloneContents() method of the Range object, which returns a DocumentFragment object. A DocumentFragment interface is also part of DOM and extends the Node interface. It is like a lightweight document, similar to the Document interface, but with limited features.

The DocumentFragment object that the cloneContents() method returns contains a copy of each of the nodes covered by our Range object. You can directly import the DocumentFragment object into a new DOM document, just like importing any other type of node. This will result in importing all the nodes present in the DocumentFragment into the new document.

For example, in Listing 8, after calling the cloneContents() method, we have created a new DOM document, added a wrapper root element, and imported the DocumentFragment into the newly created document. The newly created document now contains copies of the e2, e3, and e4 elements and looks like the XML file of Listing 9.

Therefore, you can use the concept of DOM Range by first selecting the start and end positions of the range and then performing the operation of your choice on the range that you have selected.

The Load and Save module in DOM Level 3

DOM Level 3 includes a load and save module which provides a mechanism for loading XML data into DOM Document objects and for serializing DOM Document objects as XML data. Before the DOM Level 3, there was no such mechanism in DOM. Therefore DOM implementations used to build proprietary mechanisms for loading and saving.

The DOM Level 3 load and save module is currently under development for. It is not yet part of the standard Xerces download. So we will not demonstrate how to use the load and save module in Xerces. Instead we'll just describe the important interfaces in the load and save module of DOM Level 3.

The primary interface in the DOM load and save module is DOMImplementationLS, which is meant to extend the features of the DOMImplementation interface that we saw earlier. You can check whether a particular DOM implementation supports load and save by calling the hasFeature("LS","3.0") of any DOMImplementation instance. In case the DOMImplementation.hasFeature() method returns true, you can cast the DOMImplementation object as a DOMImplementationLS instance.

The DOMImplementation interface contains a method named createLSInput(), which creates and returns an instance of the LSInput interface. The LSInput object is capable of encapsulating XML data in different forms, such as a textual string, a character stream, or a byte stream. After creating the LSInput interface, you can set XML data in one of the data fields of the LSInput interface.

The load and save module also contains an LSParser interface, which you can instantiate using the createLSParser() method of the DOMImplementationLS interface. You can call the parse() method of the LSParser object and pass on the LSInput object to the parse() method. The parse() method will return the DOM document representation of the XML data that you set in the LSInput object, thus completing the process of loading XML data into a DOM Document object.

When you want to serialize a DOM document as XML data, you will use the LSSerializer interface, which you can instantiate using the createLSSerizlizer() method of the DOMImplementationLS instance. You can then call the writeToString() method of the LSSerizlizer object, which takes a DOM Node (e.g. a Document node) and returns the string representation of the input DOM Node.

When should I use DOM?

We have discussed many DOM features in this series of articles. We have demonstrated that DOM is a powerful API for low level XML authoring and processing. As web services have gained popularity, many higher level XML processing engines have emerged. These higher level engines normally target specific XML-based languages and schemas. For example, the Microsoft .NET framework contains easy to use features that enable WSDL and SOAP processing in web service applications. Similarly, the JWSDP also contains APIs for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Therefore, it is expected that many developers will prefer using higher-level schema-specific APIs rather than using DOM for low level XML processing.

The following are the two common scenarios where you will likely use DOM in your XML applications:

  • New XML-based protocols are currently under development. Protocols for XML-based transactions are an example. As new protocols emerge, it will take a bit of time for corresponding higher level APIs and processing engines to appear and mature. DOM will help you in protocol-specific XML authoring and processing during this transient phase of XML-protocol development.
  • In addition to protocol specific processing, you will also need DOM for the processing of application-specific XML data in SOAP applications. We have already discussed application-specific namespaces in SOAP messages at the start of the "Xerces for SOAP authoring" section. Many industry specific XML schemas for different requirements (such as invoices, work orders, purchase orders, shipping documentation, payment information, product catalogs, etc.) are expected to emerge and be layered over the SOAP framework. Therefore, it is likely that you will be using high-level protocol-specific engines for the processing of standard markup and low level XML APIs like DOM for the processing of industry-specific XML namespaces.


In this series of articles, I have explained the DOM architecture and demonstrated the use of DOM features in web service applications. I considered MSXML and Xerces, the two popular DOM implementations. I showed DOM working inside a JavaScript page on the client side and inside an ASP.NET page on the server side. And I discussed how to use the DOM features of Xerces in Java-XML applications.
