Peter Flynn
Peter Flynn is a graduate of the London College of Printing and Central London Polytechnic. He worked in London for the Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board and for United Information Services as IT consultant before joining University College Cork in 1984 to manage the academic and research computing service.
He was Irish representative to, and later Secretary of, Working Group III of Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne in the late 1980s, and in 1991 he installed Ireland’s first Web server. Since then he has been concentrating on technical, research, and academic publishing support, both in the university and now with his consultancy, Silmaril.
He has been Deputy Director for Ireland of EARN/BITNET, Secretary of the TeX Users Group, a member of the IETF Working Group on HTML, and later a contributor to the W3C XML SIG.
He has published books on HTML, SGML/XML, and LaTeX. Peter is editor of the XML FAQ, an irregular contributor to conferences and journals in electronic publishing and Humanities computing, and a regular speaker and session chair at the XML Summer School in Oxford. In 2014 he completed a late-life PhD on the usability of user interfaces to structured documents with the Human Factors Research Group in UCC.
He maintains an occasional technical blog at and can be found on Twitter as @document
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