
Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.0

May 17, 2019

Submitted by Hussein Shafie, XMLmind Software.

Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.0


  • DITA maps, DocBook 5.1 assemblies and Ebooks (that is, maps of all kinds) are now automatically made master documents.

    If you don't like this policy, simply uncheck "Maps are automatically made master documents" found in Options|Preferences, "Tools|Master document" section.

    If you don't want this to happen, but only for certain maps, simply uncheck "Tools|Use as Master Document". When this is done, the map is added to the list of exceptions called "Except for the following maps" found in Options|Preferences, "Tools|Master document" section.

  • New, very simple, configuration called "Subject Scheme Map" makes it easy and safe creating subject scheme maps. See also new XMLmind DITA Converter v3.5 software component below.
  • Made the -new command-line option really usable.

    Because there is only one document template having a ".ditaval" file extension, the following command creates a new DITAVAL document in current folder without asking any question to the user:

    $ xxe -new filter.ditaval &

    Because there are many document templates having a ".xml" file extension, the following command first displays the File|New dialog box in order to let the user choose a document template (DocBook v4, v5, v5.1, TEI Lite, etc) before creating a new document in current folder:

    $ xxe -new doc.xml &

    Note that this -new option does not create the corresponding save file. You'll still have to use File|Save or File|Save As to actually save the newly created document. However, when this option is used, File|Save or File|Save As will display a file chooser dialog box properly initialized using specified file path.

  • The "Create" buttons found in the "Edit topicref", "Edit Module" and "Insert or Edit Book Division" dialog boxes now display the File|New dialog box with the relevant category of document templates (that is, "DITA", "DocBook v5+/5.1" and "XHTML/Ebook" respectively) already selected, which is convenient and less error-prone.
  • When the "Edit source" add-on is installed (which is the case by default), XXE may be used to edit plain text files. XXE now understands the GNU Emacs file variable called "coding". In absence of a BOM, variable coding may be used to specify the encoding of a text file.
    Markdown example:

    <!-- -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- -->



    ## Sub-heading

    Paragraphs are separated
    by a blank line.
  • Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.11.
  • "Edit source" add-on: upgraded its RSyntaxTextArea components to version 3.0.3.
  • Upgraded the FTP virtual drive plug-in to edtFTPj/PRO 5.3.1.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.0.7_01.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 2.2.0_01.
  • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.5.0_01 which supports subject scheme maps as follows:
    • The set of attribute values specified in a subject scheme map is used to validate attribute values in DITA maps and topics and also in DITAVAL files.

      Example: if the subject scheme map specifies that the values of attribute audience are limited to "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced", then an error will be reported for an element having attribute audience="expert".

    • The hierarchy of attribute values specified in a subject scheme map is taken into account when filtering and flagging a DITA document.

      Example: if the DITAVAL filter specifies that all elements having attribute platform="linux" are to be excluded and if the subject scheme map specifies that value "redhat" of attribute platform is a kind of "linux", then all elements having attribute platform="redhat" will excluded too.

    More information in "Appendix C. Limitations and implementation specificities, Subject scheme maps".

    The new subject scheme map support in XMLmind DITA Converter v3.5 makes "Map|Check Map" a better tool.

  • The "Easy Profiling" add-on, which is installed by default, now automatically creates a subject scheme map file behind the scene when a ".profiles" file is saved to disk.

    This very simple, automatically created, subject scheme map will be used by "Map|Check Map" too, but only if no (more advanced, written by hand) subject scheme maps are referenced (typically using <mapref type="scheme" href="my_subject_scheme_map.ditamap"/>) by the DITA map to be checked.

    Note that if you want to benefit from this enhancement, you'll have to re-save your existing ".profiles" file to disk so that the corresponding ".ditaval" filter files and ".ditamap" subject scheme map file are re-created behind the scene.

  • Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.3.2_01.
  • Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.7.0_01.
  • XMLmind XML Editor, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 12 platforms.

Bug fixes:

  • It was not possible to wrap (Edit|Wrap) an XHTML div into a div.
  • Options|Preferences, Add-on|MathML section: the "Use Bundled Fonts" button almost never had any effect on the MathML displayed in the styled view. It worked only when the bundled fonts happened to be also installed on the computer running XXE.
  • In some cases, double-clicking a topicref in a DITA map marked as being a master document ("Tools|Use a Master Document") successfully opened the corresponding topic but failed to colorize the topic tab with the color of the map tab. (This common color indicates that both documents belong to the same group.)


  • Java™ 8+ is now required to compile and run XXE. Both Oracle Java and OpenJDK are now officially supported.
  • Due to the recent changes in Oracle Java™ licensing, the setup.exe and ".dmg" distributions of XXE are now bundled with the latest version of OpenJDK (e.g. v12.0.1).

    Moreover, the setup.exe distribution now includes a 64-bit version of the Java™ runtime. The 32-bit version of Windows are still officially supported by XMLmind Software, but when this is the case, XXE's private 64-bit Java™ runtime will not be used and you'll have to install a 32-bit Java™ 8+ runtime on your computer.

    Besides Oracle Java and OpenJDK, an excellent resource for obtaining easy-to-install Java™ distributions is AdoptOpenJDK.

  • Renamed Edit command "Convert [wrap]" to "Wrap".
  • Sightly changed the parameters and the behavior of the XXE.new command in order to implement some of the above enhancements.
  • See above enhancement about editing plain text files in XXE.

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