
Phil Fearon

Phil Fearon is an experienced software developer with 20 years in the field, specialising in XML technologies, with a particular interest in XSLT and XPath. He has been fundamental in enhancing DeltaXML’s specialised XML comparison and merging technologies for global enterprises. In addition he maintains open source XML/XSLT/XPath developer tools for visual studio code.

Articles by this author

A CALS Table Viewer for Visual Studio Code

CALS Tables (see ‘What are CALS Tables?’, below) are not easy to understand by looking at their XML source. At DeltaXML we have lots of CALS tables in our regression tests which we need to quickly visualise, especially if we need to understand exactly what went wrong in a failing test. These tables are embedded in a variety of source formats: DocBook, DITA, S1000D etc., and will often have DeltaXML change markup included in the table. We needed a quick way of visualising CALS tables from our test suite and so I used my ‘free sprint' time to write an XSLT-driven Visual Studio Code extension to do just that. We found it sped up our testing reviews significantly and we share it here in the hope that you will also find it a useful approach to viewing tables.

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