
B. Tommie Usdin

B. Tommie Usdin is President of Mulberry Technologies, Inc., a consultancy specializing in uses of XML in prose documents. Ms. Usdin has been working with SGML since 1985 and has been a supporter of XML since 1996. She chairs the Balisage conference. Ms. Usdin has developed DTDs, Schemas, and XML/SGML application frameworks for applications in academia, industry, and government. Projects include reference materials in medicine, science, engineering, and law; semiconductor documentation; historical and archival materials. Distribution formats have included print books, magazines, and journals, and both web- and media-based electronic publications. She is co-chair of the NISO Z39-96, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite Working Group, an active participant in the BITS (Book Interchange Tag Set) and NISO STS (Standards Tag Suite) working groups, and a member of the NISO Board of Directors. You can read more about her at http://www.mulberrytech.com/people/usdin/index.html.

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