
Signing Messages with XSS4J

June 2, 2004

Bilal Siddiqui

In the first column of this series we introduced the WSS4J API. In the second column we demonstrated the use of XSS4J for XML encryption. In the third column we implemented encryption features of WSS4J using the concepts discussed in the second column.

This column will examine the implementation of the reference list only token that we introduced in Listing 4 of the third column, as well as the use of XSS4J to sign XML messages.

Implementing the reference list only token

As you may recall from the third column, implementing a particular token needs two steps:

  1. Implement the Token interface to reflect the functionality of the token.
  2. Add token-specific handling in the encrypt() method of the WSSMessage class.

You can refer to Listing 4 of the previous column to see the format of the WSS message that a reference list only token will create.

Listing 1 shows the ReferenceListOnlyToken class which implements the Token interface for reference list only token. The ReferenceListOnlyToken implementation is similar to the EncryptedKeyToken implementation that we presented in Listing 5 of the previous column. You can compare Listing 1 of this column with Listing 5 of the previous column. You will notice that the ReferenceListOnlyToken class is simpler than the EncryptedKeyToken class. Notice the following points from Listing 1:

  1. This time we are not using the KeyStoreKeyInfoResolver object because we don't want to include any encrypted key. Here we just need to wrap the name of the key inside the KeyInfo-KeyName pair. We can easily do it using DOM, so there's no need to use the KeyStoreKeyInfoResolver object.
  2. The encryption template (Listing 2) that we are using for the reference list only token contains the KeyInfo-KeyName pair. The ReferenceListOnlyToken constructor authors the name of the encryption key as contents of the KeyName element.
  3. The encrypt() method in Listing 1 performs the actual encryption. The process of encryption is similar to the EncryptedKeyToken.encrypt() method in Listing 5 of the previous column, except that Listing 1 does not use the KeyStoreKeyInfoResolver object. Recall that step 6 of the encrypt() method (Listing 5 of the third column) made a call to the EncryptionContext.setKeyInfoResolver() method. Now in Listing 1, the encrypt() method of the ReferenceListOnlyToken class makes a call to the EncryptionContext.setKey() method. This is because we are not using the KeyStoreKeyInfoResolver class and therefore we need to provide the key directly to the EncryptionContext class.
  4. The getXMLString() method in Listing 1 authors the actual token (a ReferenceList element, as shown in Listing 4 of the previous column). Notice that the getXMLString() method of Listing 1 authors the token from scratch. While in the EncryptedKeyToken.getXMLString() method (Listing 5 of the previous column), the token was part of the encryption template, and we extracted the token from the EncryptedData element in step 7 of the encrypt() method. You can see that authoring a ReferenceListOnlyToken is simpler than authoring the EncryptedKeyToken.

Listing 3 shows an enhanced version of the WSSMessage class, which includes support for ReferenceListOnly token, in addition to the tokens that we implemented in the previous column.

Listing 4 is a small sample application that shows how you will use the ReferenceListOnly token in a Java application. The use is exactly the same as before:

  1. Instantiate a WSSMessage object.
  2. Instantiate a Token implementation and call its setSecret() method.
  3. Call the encryptElement() method of the WSSMessage object that you created in step 1.

Using XSS4J for XML Digital Signature

We are now going to demonstrate how to use XSS4J to produce XML digital signatures. We have already discussed all details of the XML Digital Signature syntax in the second article of my series on Web services security.

We will use the following different types of KeyInfo elements in our demonstration:

  1. KeyInfo element that wraps an X.509 certificate
  2. KeyInfo element that wraps pointers to an X.509 certificate
  3. KeyInfo element that wraps the name of a key
Demonstrating signature with an X.509 certificate

We are going to sign the first Parameter element of the XML file shown in Listing 5. After signing, the resulting XML will look like as shown in Listing 6.

Notice that the signature that we are going to produce is detached from the element that we signed. Refer to the three types of XML digital signatures (enveloping, enveloped, and detached) that we discussed in the "Message Integrity and User Authentication with XML Signatures" section of second article of my Web services security series.

We are going to demonstrate the use of XSS4J to produce detached signatures. This is because WSS only allows detached type of XML signatures in WSS messages.

The XMLDSigSampleWithCertificate class that we have shown in Listing 7 shows how to use XSS4J to produce detached Signatures. We have hard-coded the following parameters in Listing 7:

  1. keyStorePath is the full path name of a key store file. The key store file contains the certificate that we going to use in our sample application. The source code download of this column contains a generateCertificate.bat file that shows how you can generate a certificate to try our sample application.
  2. alias is the string representing the name of the certificate in the key store that we are going to use in our sample signature application.
  3. storePass is the string representation of the password that we need in order to access the key store.
  4. keyPass is the string representation of the password that we need in order to access the private key in the key store.
  5. signatureTemplateFile is the name of the template file (Listing 8) that we are going to use for signature. You can compare Listing 8 with Listing 6 and you will find that the template does not contain the digest and signature values. These values will be filled in during the signature process. Also notice that the signature template does not contain a KeyInfo element. That's because we will author a KeyInfo element programmatically and append the same into the template.
  6. inputFile is the string containing name of the input XML file (Listing 5).
  7. outputFile is the string containing name of the output XML file, which shows the result of signature operation (Listing 6).

You can find the following simple steps in Listing 7:

Step 1: Load the input XML file in a DOM Document object named inputDoc.

Step 2: From the DOM document of step 1, find the element to be signed. We are simply going to sign the first Parameter child of the GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartnersResponse element of Listing 5, so the second step in the XMLDSigSampleWithCertificate class of Listing 7 is to fetch the root element of the input XML file (which is the GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartnersResponse element) and then fetch its first child element (which is the Parameter element that we are going to sign).

Step 3: After loading the element to be signed in a DOM element object, we have also fetched the "Id" attribute value of the element to be signed and stored the value in a variable named elementToBeSignedId. We will (later in step 5) use this value to refer from the Signature element to the element that we are going to sign.

Step 4: Load the signature template (Listing 8) in a DOM document named templateDoc and then extract the Signature element from the templateDoc. We have stored the Signature element in a DOM Element object named templateElement. Note that we have imported the templateElement into the inputDoc and placed it as a child of the GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartnersResponse element. Now the template Signature element is at its correct place in the input XML file. The signature process will only fill the template with actual signature data.

Step 5: Now we can set the id attribute value (that we fetched in step 3 above) as the value of the URI attribute of the Reference element. Notice from the Signature template of Listing 8 that there is a Reference child element of the Signature element. The Reference element has an attribute named URI, whose value we have not mentioned in the template because we want to set this value dynamically. This URI attribute is used to refer from the Signature to the element that we are signing. For details of how the URI attribute works, please refer to point number 1 of the "Four Steps to XML Digital Signature Authoring" section of the second article of my series on web services security.

Step 6: Next we get an instance of the KeyStore class and load a key store file into the KeyStore object. Here we are assuming that the key store file contains a certificate named "myTourOperatorCertificate". So we simply call the getCertificate() method of the key store object, which returns an X509Certificate instance. The X509Certificate instance wraps the tour operator's certificate. After loading the tour operator's certificate in an X509Certificate object, we also fetch the public key of the tour operator and load it into a Key object.

Step 7: Now we want to author a KeyInfo element. For this purpose, XSS4J provides a class named KeyInfo. The KeyInfo class offers functionality for easy authoring of a variety of KeyInfo elements (e.g. KeyInfo elements that wrap X.509 certificates or PGP data).

We are only concerned with how to author KeyInfo elements that wrap X.509 certificates. In order to wrap an X.509 certificate inside a KeyInfo element, XSS4J provides a class named KeyInfo.X509Data.

The KeyInfo.X509Data class can wrap certificates inside a KeyInfo element in a variety of ways. At the moment, we want to demonstrate the authoring of a KeyInfo element that wraps the actual binary content of a single certificate. We will shortly demonstrate how to author KeyInfo elements that wrap pointers to a certificate instead of the actual binary content of a certificate.

So our seventh step is to instantiate a KeyInfo.X509Data element and call the setCertificate() method of the KeyInfo.X509Data class, passing the X509Certificate object of step 6 along with the method call. This will set the binary content of the X509Certificate object of step 6 into the KeyInfo.X509Data object.

Step 8: Once you have the KeyInfo.X509Data object loaded with the correct certificate, you need to add the KeyInfo.X509Data object into the KeyInfo object. For this purpose, you will instantiate a new KeyInfo object and then call its setX509Data() method. The setX509Data() method takes an array of KeyInfo.X509Data objects. This method adds all the KeyInfo.X509Data objects in the array to the KeyInfo object. More than one KeyInfo.X509Data objects in the array represent a chain of certificates that may be needed to certify each other, ending at the certificate of the signer.

However, we have only one certificate to wrap in a KeyInfo element, so we have formed an array of KeyInfo.X509Data objects with just one KeyInfo.X509Data object and passed the array to the KeyInfo.setX509Data() method.

Step 9: Now we have the KeyInfo element, which should be added to the signature template (the templateElement from step 4).

Step 10: After adding the KeyInfo to the signature template, we are ready for XML digital signature. To produce the signature, we need a SignatureContext object. Therefore, the next step is to instantiate a SignatureContext object.

Step 11: Next, we instantiate an AdHocIDResolver object and pass the object to the SignatureContext.setIDResolver() method. The SignatueContext class will use the AdHocIDResolver class to find the element to be signed.

Recall from step 5 that we have set the URI attribute value of the Reference element. The URI attribute value matches with the Id attribute value of the element that we are going to sign. Note that the Reference element is the child of the Signature element, which we stored in the templateElement node in step 4. In the next step (step 12) we will pass the templateElement node to the SignatureContext.sign() method. The sign() method will internally resolve (or dereference) the URI attribute value of the Reference element and find the element that we are signing. The AdHocIDResolver class helps in resolving the Id to the element that we are signing.

Step 12: Now we can produce the required signature by calling the SignatureContext.sign() method. The sign() method takes two parameters, namely the signature template element (the templateElement from step 4) and the key (the Key object from 6). Recall from step 4 that we have already placed the template Signature element at its correct place. A call to the SignatureContext.sign() method simply fills in the signature data in the template.

Using XSS4J to sign with a pointer to a certificate

Have a look at the XMLDSigSampleWithCertificatePointer class of Listing 9, which is a very slightly modified form of the XMLDSigSampleWithCertificate class of Listing 7. The only difference between Listings 7 and 9 is in step 7.

Recall from the discussion on step 7 of Listing 7 that in order to set the binary content of a certificate into the KeyInfo.X509Data object, we called the setCertificate() method of the KeyInfo.X509Data class. The result was that the binary data representation of the certificate got wrapped inside the KeyInfo element.

But if, instead of the actual certificate, you wish to wrap a pointer to the certificate inside the KeyInfo element, the KeyInfo.X509Data class can still help you. Note that a pointer refers to a certificate and the recipient of the message will map the pointer to the actual certificate before verifying the signature. The pointer to certificate mapping mechanism is not of our concern here. We are only interested in demonstrating how to use XSS4J to author XML digital signature messages that wrap pointers to X.509 certificates. Please refer to the resources section to learn the details of X.509 certificates.

XSS4J supports the authoring of three types of certificate pointers, namely the issuer serial number, the subject name, and the subject ID. The issuer serial number is a name-value pair containing a name and serial number. The subject name is a string representing the subject of the certificate. The subject ID is an identifier that identifies the subject.

If you want to include a pointer to a certificate in your XMLDS message, you will use the setParameters() method of the KeyInfo.X509Data class (instead of calling the setCertificate() method), as shown in step 7 of Listing 9.

The setParameters() method takes four parameters. The first parameter is a certificate (the same X509Certificate object that we instantiated in step 6). The other three parameters are of Boolean type. You can pass on "true" as the value of any one or more of the three parameters.

If you pass true as the second parameter, the issuer name and serial number of the X509 certificate will be set inside the X509Data element. If you pass true as the third parameter, the subject ID will be set inside the X509Data element. If you pass true as the fourth parameter, the subject name will be set inside the X509Data element.

Notice that we have passed "true" as value of the second parameter to the setParameters() method in step 7 of Listing 9. The third and fourth parameters are false. The resulting signed XML file is as shown in Listing 10.

If you want to include the subject identifier in the KeyInfo element, you will pass true as value of the third parameter to the setParameters() method as shown below:

      x5data.setParameters(cert, false, true, false);

The resulting XML file will be as shown in Listing 11.

If you want to include the subject name of the certificate in the KeyInfo element, you will pass "true" as value of the fourth parameter to the setParameters() method as shown below:

      x5data.setParameters(cert, false, false, true);

The resulting signed XML file will be as shown in Listing 12.

You can also include multiple pointers to the same certificate in your singed XML file. For example, if you pass true as value of all three boolean types (x5data.setParameters(cert, true, true, true)), the resulting XML file will appear as shown in Listing 13.

Using XSS4J to sign with a key name

Now we will show how to author a KeyName element inside the KeyInfo to produce a signature.

The XMLDSigSampleWithKeyName class of Listing 14 shows how to sign using the KeyName element. Listing 14 is similar to Listing 7 except steps 7 and 8. This time we are not using the KeyInfo.X509Data class so we don't need to do anything in step 7. Therefore, step 7 is empty in Listing 14.

In step 8 we have used the setKeyNames() method of the KeyInfo class to author the KeyInfo element with a KeyName element.

The setKeyNames() method takes an array of strings. Each string in the array is a key name. As we have just one key name to wrap inside the KeyInfo element, so we have formed an array of just one key name and passed the array to the setKeyNames() method.

The result of running XMLDSigSampleWithKeyName is shown in Listing 15.

In this column we have learned how to use XSS4J to sign messages using certificates and keys. Next time, we will use these concepts to implement signature support in our WSS4J implementation.


  • Read the first, second, and third columns of this series.
  • Download the source code zip of this column. The zip contains two folders. The folder named WSS4J contains the complete WSS4J code (source as well as compiled form) that we have developed so far. The folder named SignatureSamples contains all the signature related samples that we developed in this column.
  • You can download the official specification of X.509 certificates from here.